La france et le siam au dix-septieme siecle
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
During the seventeenth-century, the political and cultural relations between france and siam were privileged. They could have had important consequences over the evolution of the kingdom of siam, had they not been abruptly broken in 1688, because of a siamese xenophobe reaction principally against the french people. Nevertheless accounts and memories of the embassies exchanged between the two kingdoms are numerous and interesting enough to justify the recent celebration of three hundred years of relations between france and thailand. A large part of the thesis is devoted to the analysis of these relations. It particularly examines the cultural impact of the embassies. The role of other european countries in the cultural field also is described, but france played the leading part, even if for a short time.
Abstract FR:
La france et le siam ont entretenu au dix-septieme siecle des relations politiques et culturelles privilegiees. Celles-ci auraient pu avoir des consequences importantes sur l'evolution du siam si elles n'avaient ete interrompues brutalement, en 1688, par une reaction xenophobe des siamois, surtout dirigee contre les francais. Neanmoins, des ambassades echangees entre les deux royaumes il reste suffisamment de temoignages et de souvenirs pour que l'on ait cru bon de celebrer recemment le tricentenaire des relations diplomatiques entre la france et l'actuelle thailande. L'analyse de ces relations occupe une large part des travaux de la these. Ceux-ci s'interessent aussi, cependant, aux echanges culturels que susciterent les ambassades; cet aspect de la question est elargi a l'europe, mais il apparait que la france joua un role primordial, bien qu'ephemere, en cette matiere.