Virgile Barel 1889-1979, le maître d'école du communisme niçois : la "Crimée française" ou L'utopie soviétique sur la Côte d'Azur
Abstract EN:
Virgile Barel (1889-1979) was the leading figure of the French Communist Party in the region of Alpes Maritimes for over half a century. Although of working class origins, he was admitted to the Ecole normale (college of education, or teacher training school) in Nice before World war I, and became a "rural" school teacher in Menton. During this time, he worked diligently to spread bolshevik ideas throughout the coastal and provincial areas around Nice. Capitalizing on the propaganda value of the riviera's image as the "French Crimea", he helped to promote and cultivate amongst French working classes, Italian immigrants, and even local intellectuals, the great 20th century Soviet myth. Barel was an excellent organizer and became, in 1934, a permanent member of the French Communist Party. In 1936-37, as a Popular Front representative, he played a significant role in instituting paid leave for employees, workers' holidays and working-class tourism in the Mediterranean, coastal region. During World war II, he was deported to Algeria. At the time France was liberated, he led local government in Nice, then went on to become a National Assembly member during the IVth and Vth Republics. Throughout his lifetime, Barel remained deeply committed to the USSR, to Nice and to its surrounding area ("my little homeland"). Virgile Barel's friendly personality, simple tastes and generous nature were the source of his remarkable local popularity- a popularity that always went far beyond the narrow confines of the Communist Party membership.
Abstract FR:
Virgile Barel (1889-1979) fut la grande figure du PC français dans les Alpes-Maritimes pendant plus d'un demi-siècle. D'origine populaire, il entra à l'Ecole normale de Nice avant la guerre de 1418. Instituteur de la "frontière" en poste à Menton, il implanta le bolchévisme sur le littoral et dans l'arrière-pays niçois. A travers le thème de la "Crimée française" il contribua à diffuser le grand mythe soviétique du XXe siècle. Bon organisateur il devint permanent du Parti en 1934. Député du Front populaire, il joua un rôle de premier plan dans la naissance des congés payés et dans la politique de vacances et de loisirs du gouvernement Blum. Emprisonné en octobre 1939, déporté en Algérie pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale, il dirigea la municipalité de Nice à la Liberation. Député sous la IVe et la Ve République Barel resta toujours profondément attaché à l'URSS ainsi qu'à Nice (la "petite patrie"). Sa personnalité familière sa simplicité, sa bonhomie lui valurent jusqu'à sa disparition une popularité locale qui débordait les rangs du Parti communiste.