A. P. Volynskij, biographie politique
Paris 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
En 1704, Artemij Volynskij est incorporé dans l'armée et inscrit dans un régiment de dragons. En 1711, il participe à la campagne du Prut et sert de courrier entre la Russie et la porte ottomane. En 1715, il est nommé ambassadeur en Perse et négocie un traité avec le Chah. En 1719, il est chargé du gouvernement d'Astrakhan et prend part à la préparation de la campagne de Perse. Sous Catherine Iere, il est muté d'Astrakhan à Kazan. Il est considéré comme un bon administrateur; toutefois il fait l'objet de nombreuses plaintes. En 1730, sous Anna Ivanovna, Volynskij est démis de ses fonctions. En 1731, il est chargé de l'organisation des haras de la cour. En 1734, il prend part à la guerre de succession de Pologne. Ensuite il s'installe à Saint Petersbourg, où il obtient la charge de grand veneur. Il commence à écrire des essais politiques. En 1737, il est nommé ministre plénipotentiaire au congrès de Nemirov. En 1738, il devient ministre du cabinet et se fait de nombreux ennemis. En 1740, il tombe en disgrâce, et il est jugé, condamné et exécuté pour haute trahison. Sa pensée politique n'est connue que par les pièces de son procès. Il était partisan de l'autocratie et du servage, mais il préconisait d'importantes réformes afin de rétablir les affaires de l'état. Il souhaitait une participation plus active de la noblesse au gouvernement et demandait que l'on donne priorité aux russes sur les étrangers dans l'accession aux postes importants. La postérité considère Volynskij comme l'incarnation de la conscience nationale.
Abstract FR:
In 1704, Artemij Volynskij was drafted into the army and was active in a dragon regiment. In 1711 he participed in the Pruth campaign, becoming a courier between Russia and Turkey. In 1715, as ambassador to Persia, he negotiated a treaty with the Shah. In 1719, as governor of Astrakhan, he took part in the preparation of the persian campaign. During the reign of catherine i, he became governor of Kazan. He was considered a good administrator, however, many complaints were still made against him. In 1730, during the reign of Anna Ivanovna, Volynskij was forced t to resign. In 1731, he became in charge of the court stables. In 1734, he took part in the successional polish war. Later he settled in sankt-peterburg where he became master of the imperial hunt. He also wrote some political essays in 1737, volynskij was designated as full diplomat to the nemirov congress. In 1738, he became a cabinet minister and acqui red enemies among many important people. In 1740 he fell into disgrace and was tried condemned and executed for high tre ason. His political thought only became known during his trial. He stood for autocracy and serfdom, but recommended important reforms in order to restore the affairs of the state. He wished a more active participation of the nobility in the government and for the russian subjects to be given priority over foreigners in holding higher posts. Posterity considers Volynskij as the incarnation of national consciousness.