Le 1er age du fer dans le chatillonnais : le mobilier des sepultures
Abstract EN:
A survey of the furniture coming from the sepulchres of the first iron age in the chatillonnais, burgundy, discovered in the funerary structures allowed to draw up a typo-chronology which we tried to link with the absolute dating of the metal imports coming from the same graves. The geographical spreading of the furniture and burial-mounds permitted to suggst a socio-economic diagram which seems to show the development and the sitting up of the princely territory whose settlement during the final period was the oppidum of mount-lassois in vix.
Abstract FR:
Inventaire du mobilier issu des sepultures du 1er age du fer dans le chatillonnais, en bourgogne, decouvert dans les structures funeraires. Ce travail a permis d'etablir une typo-chronologie que nous avons tente de rattacher aux datation s absolues des importations metalliques issues de ces memes tombes. La repartition geographique du mobilier et des tertres funeraires a permis de proposer un schema socio-economique semblant marquer le developpement et la mise en place du territoire princier dont l'habitat, pour la periode finale sera l'oppidum du mont-lassois a vix.