Communistes et antifranquisme : l'exemple du parti communiste français. Représentations et stratégies politiques (1936-1975)
Toulouse 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
In the years 1936-1975, the french communist party incessantly proclaimed its opposition to the regime set up in spain by general franco. There were many different expressions of this attitude which - both before and after world war ii - ranged from the enrolment of militants and party officials in the international brigades to the organization of meetings and rallies. The fight against francoism generated discussions, decisions and tactical choices among party leaders. It also led to the creation of committees of support and solidarity and the publication of a long series of texts, brochures, leaflets and works of art. Finally, the communist party's opposition to francoism attracted many supporters who sometimes became fellow-travellers or new militants. For almost 30 years, the mental universe of the party was made up of images, beliefs, convictions, memories which expressed anti-francoism and closely united communists as a whole. This played a unifying role in the party and was used as a way to voice its patriotism and open nationalism. If we analyze this political culture, we can identify certain modes of operation and the political choices of the party. Yet, as of 1963, when the trial of julian grimau was organized in spain, a change in attitude could be noted. From then on, the representation which the communist party had constructed of its fight against francoism seemed to fade, to be erased. Although french communists continued to participate in the same activities, which had become ritual, they gradually lost their points of reference. The communist party then ceased to be a homogeneous society, it had lost the culture which since 1936 had built up its cohesion, its strength and its stability.
Abstract FR:
Pendant la periode 1936-1975, le pcf ne cesse de proclamer son opposition au regime installe en espagne par le general franco. Les manifestations de cette activite sont nombreuses et variees ; elles vont, que ce soit avant ou apres la seconde guerre mondiale, de la participation de militants et cadres dans les brigades internationales, a la tenue de meetings, rassemblements. La lutte contre le franquisme donne lieu a des discussions, des prises de decisions, des choix tactiques de la part des instances dirigeantes du parti; elle suscite des comites de soutien, de solidarite. Elle est a la source d'une large panoplie d'ecrits, brochures, tracts et oeuvres artistiques. Enfin, l'opposition du pcf au franquisme attire a lui de nombreux sympathisants qui deviennent parfois des compagnons de route ou de nouveaux militants. Pendant pres de 30 ans, l'imaginaire communiste porte en lui des images, des croyances, des convictions, des souvenirs qui disent cet antifranquisme et unissent etroitement l'ensemble des communistes. Il joue un role unificateur dans le parti et sert a affirmer son patriotisme, son nationalisme ouvert. L'analyse de cette culture politique permet de preciser certains modes de fonctionnement et choix politiques du parti communiste. Mais a partir de 1963, date du proces, en espagne, de julian grimau, un changement s'observe. Desormais, les representations construites par le pcf de sa lutte contre le franquisme semblent s'estomper, se gommer. Si les communistes francais participent toujours a des pratiques, desormais rituelles, leurs reperes se delitent. Le pcf n'est plus, alors, une societe homogene; il n'a plus la culture qui avait fait sa cohesion, sa force, sa stabilite depuis 1936.