L'amerique bolivarienne vue par les voyageurs francais au cours du siecle dernier
Paris 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This thesis treats the american bolivarien as seen and explored by frensh travellers during the pervious decade. In it, i have tried to describe the social, political and economic realities of the five latin american countries : bolivia, colombia, equator, peru and venezuela, as well as that i have put forward the global vision that those travellers have developed about this part of the world. The first chapter of my thesis treats the conditions and impact of this rich travel literature, where as the second chapter concerns the description of the population since deals with the social repartition of the people living there, there coutums, their religions beliefs, as well as with the different immigrants who settled in these countries, notably the europeans and chinese. On this chapter, a great space is also devoted to education and press. The third part of this work, and which treats mainly the economic side of these countries, such as their substructure, agriculture, trade and mines, has most interested the frensh travellers. Tehn, and to conclude my thesis, i have considered the political life in those five latin american countries.
Abstract FR:
L'amerique bolivarienne vue par les voyageurs francais au cours du siecle dernier qui est le titre de la these vise avant tout moins a decrire la realite de ces cinq pays americins (bolivie, colombie, equateur, perou et venezuela) mais mettre en lumiere la vision portee par ces voyageurs du siecle dernier sur cette partie du monde. La these retrace dans un chapitre preliminaire les conditions, l'imaginaire et l'impact de cette riche litterature de voyage. Ensuite, elle met au jour la description de la population, leur nombre, leur repartition dans l'espace, leurs coutumes, leurs croyances religieuses, sans oublier l'immigration (europeenne et chinoise) ainsi que l'instruction et la presse. La troisieme partie qui a le plus attire l'attention des voyageurs concerne la vie economique (infrastructures, agriculture, mines, commerce) avant de clore avec la vie politique dans ces cinq pays.