Folklore et révolution nationale : doctrine et action sous Vichy (1940-1944)
Lyon 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Folklore and national revolution were closely bound during vichy government. Public education, agriculture, equipment, home offices were concerned by folklore, justified in this interest by folkloric knowledge. Its concept, closely acquainted with the idea of regionalism, appelaed to the system of appointed nation and incited community to look after its identity through some symptome : language, know-how, way of living, popular festivities and art. . . The ethnical community recognised hereunder is the peasant and as an evidence, the craftsman. The assertion of an identity is on a par with the look back upon the traditions, the ancestors, through the purity of the race, and changes folklore in a standard sample which is part and parcel of vichyssoise ideology by the way of successive passages from game to science, from science to reconstitution of france appearance. Folklore as a form and meaning of national revolution gives us, through its repeated justifications of the native soil, the foundation of new order and social peace, liable for its continuance.
Abstract FR:
Folklore et revolution nationale ont entretenu un rapport etroit pendant le gouvernement de vichy. Le folklore interessa l'instruction publique, le jeunesse, l'agriculture, l'equipement national, la propagande. . . , legitime en cela par la science folklorique. Son concept, etroitement imbrique a celui du regionalisme, en appelait au systeme de representation du peuple et incitait la societe a rechercher son identite culturelle dans un espace perceptible a des signes : langues, savoir-faire, habitat, fetes, arts populaires. . . La communaute ethnique qui est ici reconnue est le paysan et son corollaire l'artisan. L'affirmation d'une identite va de pair avec le programme de retour aux traditions, aux ancetres, a la communaute, via la purete de la race, et fait du folklore, par glissements successifs, du jeu a la science, de la science a la reconstruction du visage de la france un modele normatif qui fait partie integrante de l'ideologie vichyssoise. Le folklore comme forme et sens de la revolution nationale nous livre a travers ses apologies renouvelees du terroir, le racisme de l'ordre nouveau et la paix sociale, fondement de sa duree.