Le mouvement nationaliste en inde. Le cas de chandernagor : le premier maillon de la decolonisation francaise. 1905-1952
Abstract EN:
The nationalist movement in india has its genesis in the anti-partition movement which began in 1905 to oppose the british decision to partition bengal. The movement drew an immediate response from chandernagor, the french establishment of bengal, situated at about 2000 kilometres from the french capital, pondichery. Tiny anglophone suburb of calcutta, it rapidly distinguished itself as a highly strategic point for bengali nationalists at war with british high-handedness. The swadeshi movement, born in 1905 claimed nothing but the annulment of the partition. Failing to achieve even a minor success, the movement took a gradual turn towards extremism, going rapidly on to terrorism. Consequently, from 1908 to 1916, chandernagor became a refuge, a second base for terrorists, where plots were hatched, bombs manufactured and arms distributed. The french and specially the british reacted sharply to this movement. The nationalists however held full sway and forced the two colonial powers to abandon all projects concerning extradition or cession. Nevertheless, the movement took a downward plunge after 1916. Till the outbreak of the second world war, chandernagor followed the doctrine of non-violence preached by mahatma gandhi. Where as until 1946, the nationalist movement in chandernagor shared a common enemy with the rest of india, the year 1947 marked a turning point in its history. With the british decision to quit the sub-continent, the movement turned for the first time against the french. The nationalist demand for the unification of chandernagor with india was fulfilled two years later. The referendum of 19th june 1949 marked the end of the 200 year old french rule in chandernagor. Taking advantage of the political and geographical uniqueness of chandernagor, the nationalists managed to establish an equilibrium with the french which they used to their best advantage. The result was that chandernagor became the first ever french colony to gain independence.
Abstract FR:
Le mouvement nationaliste est ne en inde en 1905 a la suite de la partition du bengale. Chandernagor, un des cinq comptoirs francais, situe a presque 2000 kilometres du chef-lieu pondichery, s'implique immediatement dans ce mouvement. Minuscule + colonie sans colon ; anglophone, chandernagor, petite banlieue de calcutta, se revele rapidement etre une place strategique pour les nationalistes qui, au bengale, sont a la pointe du combat contre les anglais. Le mouvement swadeshi ne en 1905 et compose en majeure partie de notables, ne reclame au depart que l'annulation de la partition du bengale. N'ayant obtenu aucun resultat concret, il cede peu a peu la place a un mouvement terroriste. Chandernagor devient alors, de 1908 a 1916, une terre d'asile, une base arriere du terrorisme ou l'on fabrique des bombes et ou l'on s'approvisionne en armes. Les puissances coloniales anglaise et francaise tentent de contenir ce mouvement. Si les nationalistes luttent avec succes contre les projets d'extraditions et de cession du territoire, leur mouvement decline pourtant a partir de 1916. Durant la periode de l'entre-deux-guerres, chandernagor a l'ecoute du mahatma gandhi, connait a nouveau les memes manifestations fievreuses que l'inde anglaise. Si le mouvement nationaliste s'etait jusqu'alors tourne uniquement contre les anglais, il va en etre tout autrement a partir de 1947 lorsque ces derniers decident de quitter le sous-continent. Immediatement le mouvement nationaliste demande le rattachement de chandernagor a l'inde. Apres deux annees de luttes et d'atermoiements, il obtient gain de cause suite a sa victoire indiscutable au referendum du 19 juin 1949. En definitive, le mouvement nationaliste chandernagorien a su profiter de la situation unique de la ville pour etablir avec le pouvoir colonial francais une sorte d'equilibre, dont il a parfaitement profite : chandernagor devient ainsi, avant l'indochine, la premiere colonie a se separer de l'union francaise.