Patrimoines immobiliers ecclésiastiques dans la Venise médiévale (XIe-XVe siècle) : une lecture de la ville
Paris 10Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This is a reading of the city, which centres on the estates of the clergy starting from the consideration of the importance and concentration of their estates, of the state of preservation of their archives and their role in the urbanisation of the city. From the earliest preserved documents, which date back to the 11 th century and evoke a city in full development, the study proceeds to the end of the 15th century, when the process of unification and construction of the city is completed in its main lines. This reading is based on a choice of significant examples. These estates do not form a homogeneous whole, but some very varied situations occasioned by the epoch and the context of foundation of the institutions which influence the origin and siting of the estates as well as their management and markedly their ownership. Between the 11th century and the beginning of the 13th, the clergy take part in an important phase of urbanisation thanks to the division of their properties into lots which were leased and the improved by the renants. This phase lasted in the outskirts until the 15th century. As from the 13th century begins a period of repurchase with the aim to retrieve the integral ownership of the properties given on lease, by this time reclaimed and built on, especially in the centre. This policy implies the possession of sufficient liquidity and allows for a much more profitable exploitation of the properties thanks to the new short term high priced rentals. The sources of the modern age bear witness to the almost complete loss of the properties leased by those clerics who missed this major change in managing policies. Otherwise the study of the estates of the clergy offers some insights in the dealings of the lay with real properties. Nevertheless a very interesting find is that concerning the role of the dowry and more specifically its retrieval by the women testifying to their actual access to real property.
Abstract FR:
C'est une lecture de la ville, basee sur l'etude des patrimoines ecclesiastiques partant du constat de leur importance, de leur concentration, du role des ecclesiastiques dans l'urbanisation de la ville et de la conservation de leurs archives. Des premiers documents conserves dates du 11e siecle qui evoquent une ville en pleine formation, l'etude se poursuit jusqu'a la fin du 15e siecle, quant le processus d'unification et de construction de la ville s'est accompli dans ses grandes lignes. Cette lecture se base sur un choix d'exemples significatifs. Les patrimoines ne forment pas un ensemble homogene, mais des situations tres variees occasionnees par l'epoque et le contexte de la fondation des etablissements qui conditionnent l'origine et l'emplacement des patrimoines ainsi que leur gestion et notamment le regime de propriete. Entre le 11e et le debut du 13e siecle, les ecclesiastiques participent a une importante phase d'urbanisation grace aux lotissements de leurs proprietes en parcelles concedees a bail dont l'amenagement est delegue aux preneurs a bail. Cette phase a perdure dans les zones peripheriques jusqu'au 15e siecle. A partir du 13e siecle s'amorce une periode de rachats afin de recuperer la pleine propriete des biens concedes, desormais assainis et batis, plus specifiquement dans le centre. Cette politique implique la possession de liquidites suffisantes et permet une rentabilisation bien plus fructueuse des proprietes grace aux nouvelles locations a breve echeance et forts loyers. Les sources de l'epoque moderne attestent la perte quasi totale des biens concedes par les ecclesiastiques qui ont rate ce tournant capital dans la gestion. Par ailleurs, l'etude patrimoniale des ecclesiastiques offre des apercus des pratiques immobilieres suivies par les laics. En particulier, un constat tres interessant est celui du role de la dot et plus specifiquement de sa recuperation par les femmes qui atteste leur reel acces a la propriete immobiliere.