La Frontière et les hommes (VIIIe-XIIe siècle). Le peuplement musulman au nord de l'Ebre et les débuts de la reconquete aragonaise
Toulouse 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The thesis studies in the first place the evolution of the marche superieure and that of the christian aragon in order to observe afterwards the transformations which occured with the reconquista and the repoblacion. This part of the tagr was dominated by a few muwallad/s lineages which unceasingly demonstrated their opposition towards cordova. It included a large number of establishments of various nature (madina, hisn, qala'a, qarya, burg, almunia. . . ), several of which provided, following archaeological excavations, magnificent pieces of furniture dating back to the 10th and the 11th centuries, on the other side of the mountains, the evolution of the pyrenean societies was marked by an increase in population and a sharp agricultural growth all the way through the early middle ages. About the year 1000, the emergence could be witnessed of a martial aristocraty, eager to extend its possessions and its earnings at the expense of the muslims. This ambition coincided with the needs of a peasantry ready to migrate towards the south in order to get away from servitude and to gain possession of new lands, and with the interested motives of a monarchy which made of the propagation of the christian faith a dynastic objective in order to assert its legitimacy. The aragonese onslaughts led, around the middle of the 11th century, of the emergence of a front which then moved towards the south with the capture of monzon (1089), huesca (1096) and barbastro (1100). The trimphs were slowed down by the reaction of the almoravides and the defeat of fraga(1134) and, once secured the succession of king alphonse the first, raymond berenger the fourth had put an end to the muslim presence on the north of the ebro by taking over fraga and mequinenza (1149). The advent of the new power and the establishment of a seigneurial regime led to the fligth of a large number of muslims, to a widespread upheaval of the populating structures and of the former settlements, as well as to a spreading of lands through the development of irrigation, of cultivation of cereals and of wine growing.
Abstract FR:
La these etudie d'abord l'evolution de la marche superieure et celle de l'aragon chretien pour observer ensuite les transformations survenues avec la reconquista et la repoblacion. Cette partie du tagr etait dominee par quelques lignages muwallad/s qui manifesterent sans cesse leur opposition a l'egard de cordoue. Elle comprenait un nombre important d'etablissements de nature diverse (madina, hisn, qala'a, qarya, burg, almunia. . . ), dont plusieurs ont fourni un riche mobilier des xe et xie siecles a la suite de fouilles archeologiques. De l'autre cote des monts, l'evolution des societes pyreneennes fut marquee par un essor demographique et une vive croissance agricole tout au long du haut moyen age. Vers l'an mil, on assista a l'emergence d'une aristocratie guerriere, avide d'etendre ses biiens et ses revenus aux depens des musulmans. Cette ambition coincidait avec les besoins d'une paysannerie prete a migrer vers le sud pour echapper a la servitude et gagner de nouvelles terres, et les interets d'une monarchie qui fit de l'expansion de la foi chretienne un projet dynastique pour affirmer sa legitimite. Les offensives aragonaises aboutirent vers le milieu du xie siecle a la naissance d'un front qui se deplaca ensuite vers le sud avec la prise de monzon (1089), huesca(1096) et barbastro (1100). Les succes furent ralentis par la reaction almoravide et la defaite de fraga (1134) et, une fois reglee la succession du roi alphonse 1er, raimond berenger iv mit fin a la presence musulmane au nord de l'ebre en s'emparant de fraga et de mequinenza (1149). L'installation du nouveau pouvoir et la mise en place d'un regime seigneurial entrainerent la fuite de nombreux musulmans, un bouleversement generalise des structures de peuplement et des habitats anterieurs, ainsi qu'une extension des terroirs par le developpement de l'irrigation, de la cerealiculture et de la vigne.