
Des pacifistes aux résistantes : les militantes communistes en France dans l'entre-deux-guerres

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Paris 7



Abstract EN:

This doctoral thesis is about women's militancy within the french communist party during the interwar years. The first part deals with the party's organisational answers to the "woman question" as well as with the relationship between feminism and communism. The second part is both an analysis of the conditions of women's militancy and a study of three generations of militant women through a portrait of those who held responsibilities in the communist party and in mass organisations (whether exclusively feminine or not) but also of grass roots militant women. A distinction is to be made between three grnerations : the passing militants (1920-1927), the faithful militants (1928-1933) and the heiresses (1934-1939). The third part examines, for each generations, the roles, the functions and the powers of women. New personalities emerge : mythical or real heroines, housewives, women engaged in international solidarity and lastly female comrades. The conclusion highlights the constant weakness of women's involvement and their difficulty in finding their place in a party of men, in getting equal responsibilities. Yet it emphasizes the fact that militancy enabled a great number of women to free themselves from their traditional roles, organise collective actions, thus enabling the last generation of them to prepare their participation in the french resistance.

Abstract FR:

La these traite du militantisme des femmes au sein du parti communiste francais, dans l'entre-deux-guerres. La premiere partie aborde les reponses organisationnelles du parti quant a "la question des femmes" et des rapports entre feminisme et communisme. La seconde partie analyse les conditions du militantisme feminin et trace le portrait de trois generations de militantes a travers celles qui ont exerce des responsabilites dans le parti et dans les organisations de masse feminines ou mixtes mais aussi a travers les militantes de la base. On distinguera trois generations : "les passageres" (1920-1927) "les fideles" (1928-1933) "les heritieres (1934-1939). Dans la troisieme partie le role, les fonctions, les pouvoirs qui y sont attaches sont analyses. Des figures apparaissent : celles des heroines, mythiques ou reelles, celles des menageres, celles des femmes dans la solidarite, enfin celles des camarades. La these conclut a la faiblesse constante du recrutement feminin, a la difficulte pour les femmes de trouver leur place dans un parti d'hommes et d'y exercer un pouvoir egal au leur, mais elle souligne que le militantisme a permis a nombre d'entres elles de transgresser les roles traditionnels d'exercer une action collective de preparer ainsi, pour le derniere generation, leur participation a la resistance.