
Bons offices, mediations, arbitrages dans l'activite diplomatique du saint siege de leon xiii a benoit xv

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997



Paris 10


Abstract EN:

From leo xiii to benedict xv, the pope was frequently called upon to intervene to settle international disputes between various states. These interventions, the significance of which are unrecognized in historiography, are all the more remarkable, in as much as italy at this time refused to recognise the holy see as a sovereign state. The caroline mediation of 1885, made at the request of bismarck, between spain and germany was the first of these diplomatic interventions and involved all the major european nations, the united states and many latin american countries. The role played by leo xiii strengthened the reputation of the apostolic see as a high moral authority and his actions aroused great interest even in non-catholic circles, particularly among the pacifists. This explains a phenomenon frequently mentioned in connection with this period: the increase in the number of "arbitrations" undertaken by the holy see. Under pius x the mediations and good offices continued principally in south america, but no longer in europe. They dealt chiefly with border conflicts and even involved the participation of the nuncio to brazil in two arbitral tribunals. The pontificate of pius x, which is frequently contrasted to that of leo xiii, does not differ from the latter as far as the interventions of the holy see are concerned, although pius x's chief concerns were more theological than diplomatic in nature. Finally, from 1887 to 1907, giacomo della chiesa - the future benedict xv - was involved in the activities of the secretary of state and was thus informed of all the diplomatic negotiations in which the vatican participated. He put this experience to good use when the 1914-1918 war broke out, as his letter to the heads of the hostile states suggests. The intervention of the pope in the pacific settlement of disputes, contributed to the return of the papacy to international negociations, even though the holy see had not succeeded in sending a representative to the first conference at la haye (1899).

Abstract FR:

De leon, xiii a benoit xv, le pape a ete appele, a de nombreuses reprises a intervenir entre plusieurs etats, afin de regler des differents internationaux. Ces interventions, meconnues par l'historiographie, etaient d'autant plus remarquables que l'italie contestait alors au saint siege la qualite d'etat souverain. La mediation des carolines (1885) effectuee a la demande bismarck entre l'espagne et l'allemagne fut la premiere de ces interventions qui concernerent tous les grands etats d'europe, les etats unis, et de nombreux etats d'amerique latine. Le role joue par le pape leon, xiii renforca le renom du siege apostolique en tant que haute autorite morale, et son action eut un retentissement jusque dans les milieux non catholiques, notamment chez les pacifistes. Ceci explique que l'on ait souvent evoque, a cette epoque, la multiplication des "arbitrages" du saint siege. Sous pie x, les mediations et les bons offices se poursuivirent, principalement en amerique du sud, et non plus en europe. Elles concernerent essentiellement des conflits frontaliers, et se doublerent meme de la participation du nonce au bresil a deux tribunaux arbitraux. Le pontificat de pie x, que l'on oppose souvent a celui de leon xiii, ne s'en distingue pas en ce qui concerne les interventions du saint siege, bien que les principales preoccupations du pape aient ete plus theologiques que diplomatiques. Enfin, de 1887 a 1907, giacomo della chiesa le futur benoit xv, participa aux travaux de la secretairerie d'etat, et il fut, a ce titre, mis au courant de toutes les negociations diplomatiques auxquelles participa le vatican. Il mit a profit cette experience lorsque se declencha la guerre de 1914-1918, et son principal acte, la note aux chefs des etats belligerants d'aout 1917, en porte la trace. L'intervention du pape dans le reglement pacifique des differends contribua a permettre le retour de la papaute dans les negociations internationales, bien que le saint siege n'ait pas reussi a envoyer de representant a la premiere conference de la haye (1899).