Le syndicalisme feminin chretien en france de 1899 a 1944 : pratiques et discours d'une culture feminine
Paris 8Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This thesis examines the inception and development of the christian women's trade union movement in france from 1899 to its dissolution in 1944. With a membership composed entirely of women, these organizations included mostly employees of businesses, banks and industry as well as workers in the textile industry. Within the context of a changing catholic social movement, a number of factors contributed to making the christian women's trade unions markedly different from the women's catholic action groups and associations : their locations, recruiting methods, professionnal orientations as well as the militant agenda of their members. In light of this, this thesis attempts to resolve the question of how a femaledominated culture develops and evolves within a movement where traditions of struggles and organizational methods are inspired by a largely-male culture. The first part of the thesis examines the birth of the first organizations up to their affiliation with the cftc in 1919. It also examines the conditions underlying the birth of a number of union associations and how they made their mark. The second part focuses on the inter-war period and pays particular attention to the sociological factors of the unions' militant component. The third part of the study is concerned with the advocacy of women's unions in the 1920s and 1930s. The last part covers the period from 1936 to 1944. A number of major upheavals in which women's unions were involved during these critical years are also presented. This thesis also investigates the outcome of this type of organization in an era where events charted a new course for the trade union movement as a whole.
Abstract FR:
Notre recherche porte sur la naissance et le developpement de syndicalisme feminin chretien en france de 1899 a sa dissolution en 1944. Composees uniquement de femmes, ces organisations regroupaient principalement des employees de commerce, de banque et d'industrie ainsi que des ouvrieres de la couture. Situes dans la mouvance du catholicisme social, les syndicats feminins chretiens se distinguaient des unions et des associations feminines d'action catholique par un certain nombre de facteurs : leurs lieux d'implantation, leur mode de recrutement, leur action orientee vers le terrain professionnel et l'itineraire militant de leurs membres. Dans ce cadre, notre problematique generale cherche a comprendre comment se developpe et se transforme une culture feminine a l'interieur d'un mouvement dont les traditions de luttes et les modes d'organisation empruntent a une culture largement masculine. Le premier temps de notre recherche se situe de la naissance des premieres organisations jusqu'a leur adhesion a la cftc en 1919. Nous y interrogeons les conditions qui marquent la naissance des differentes organisations et qui vont faconner leur identite. La deuxieme partie de notre these porte sur la periode de l'entre-deux-guerres et s'interesse particulierement a la composition sociologique de la base militante de ces syndicats. Le troisieme axe de notre etude questionne l'action revendicative menee par les syndicats feminins durant les annees 1920 et 1930. Le dernier axe couvre la periode de 1936 a 1944. Nous y etudions les bouleversements majeurs auxquels sont confrontes les syndicats feminins durant ces annees dramatiques. Nous nous interrogeons sur le devenir de ce type d'organisations au moment ou les evenements impriment a l'ensemble du mouvement syndical un cours nouveau.