L'immigration politique espagnole en région Centre (Cher, Eure-et-Loir, Indre, Loir-et-Cher, Loiret) de 1936 à 1946
Paris 7Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Les prefets de la region centre, de 1936 a 1940 ne peuvent compter que sur des ressources locales pour heberger des refugies espagnols. Une bonne organisation sanitaire est mise sur pied et permet de faire face aux vesoins. L'aide des populations est considerable mais l'obsession securitaire du gouvernement prive ces refugies de liberte. Les rapatriemen ts sont loin d'etre massifs et les reemigrations se font au gre des selections operees par les organisations politiques et syndicales espagnoles preponderantes au sein du service d'emigration des refugies espagnols. Le regroupement familial presente des difficultes. La mise au travail dans l'agriculture est rendue difficile en raison de son caractere saisonn ier et des charges de famille qui pesent sur de nombreuses femmes. En septembre 1939 arrivent pres de 5000 prestataires requis pour des travaux agricoles. En juin 1940 l'invasion allemande met un terme aux centres et disperse les refugies. Pendant l'occupation, les hommes enroles dans les groupements de travaillerus etrangers tentent de fuir les requisitions allemandes. Communistes et anarchistes sont pourchasses. A la liberation a laquelle participent des espagnols souvent d'obedience communiste, renait l'espoir d'une reconquete de l'espagne. Mais trop de rivalites politiques nees pendant la guerre civile (ou preexistantes), ou l'exil, divisent les refugies.
Abstract FR:
From 1936 to 1940 the "prefets" of the centre region could count only on local resources to accomodate spanish refugees. With a good organisation of health care, the population was able to cope with its needs. Considerable aid was given. But the government's obsession with security deprived this people of freedom. Few were repatriated and selection for reemigration was according to the wishes of the spanish trade union and political organisations within the department of spanish trade union and political organisations within the department of spanish refugee emigration. There were difficulties in reuniting families. Placing people in agricultural works was made difficult by its seasonal nature as well as family burdens weighing of many women. Nearly 5 000 workers required in agriculture arrived in september 1939. The german invasion in june 1940 put an end to the centers and dispersed the refugees. During the occupation, the men in the foreign workers groups tried to flee german requisitions. The communists ans anarchists wer hunted down. Having participated in the liberation, spaniards, mainly communists, renewed their hope of reconquering spain. But the refugees were divided by too many politicals rivalities either existing before the civil war or arising during it or in exile.