Les compagnonnages et la societe francaise au xxe siecle
Toulouse 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The whole story of the french guilds in the 20th century forms the main axis of this doctorate thesis. The connections of the french guild corporations with the political, syndicate, economic, religious and masonic movements permit to define the outlines of an original working-class association that is still the victim of numerous reducing "cliches". The weight of the representations, the social functions and the part played by the memory concurre to define the plural identity of a social group that has been present in the french society for over five centuries.
Abstract FR:
L'histoire globale des compagnonnages francais au xxe siecle constitue l'axe essentiel de cette these. Les relations des societes compagnonniques avec les mouvements politiques, syndicaux, economiques religieux, maconniques. . . Permettent de preciser les contours d'une association ouvriere originale, encore victime de nombreux cliches reducteurs. Le poids des representations, les fonctions sociales, le role de la memoire, contribuent a preciser l'identite plurielle d'un groupe social present dans la societe francaise depuis plus de cinq siecles.