
La fortune des Berthier, princes de Wagram : 1808-1918

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997



Paris 10



Abstract EN:

The financial enrichment of napoleon's entourage, at the origin of many aristocratic dynasties, is well documented, however, much less is known about the evolution of these huge fortunes. To enable us to study in more detail the wealth of the french aristocracy during the 19th century, this phd follows the destiny of marshal berthier (made 'prince de wagram' in 1809 by napoleon) and his descendants - owners of the grosbois chateau for over one century. Their climb into the highest ranks of society was made possible due to a solid economic structure based around le majorat, their recent title and an immense real estate. Despite the serious difficulties encountered over the years this fortune grew increasingly and berthier lead a luxurious life thanks to the land gained during the napoleonic wars. The sudden loss of this land and the hostility suffered during la restauration were serious setbacks that his widow managed to successfully overcome to the future benefit of her son. The 2nd prince was the landlord at grosbois for 50 years, gaining the reputation of a distinguished gentleman farmer and, thanks to the stocks and shares of his wife, born clary, enlarged the estate. Already a conseiller general he also became mayor of the village under the second empire. However, by refusing to favourise his son in his will the property had to be divided up between the family, although the 3rd prince was then able to re-purchase grosbois thanks to his marriage with berthe de rothschild. Thus marking the beginning of a golden era for the wagrams in the new aristocratic way of life during the belle epoque. Their son, the 4th prince, inherited this now even greater fortune at a relatively young age and due to bad business decisions, a vast paint collection and general over indulgence eventually had to sell the property. His tragic death in 1918 finally ended the family lineage in the military glory where it had once begun over a century ago.

Abstract FR:

Si l'enrichissement des proches de napoleon, a l'origine de grandes dynasties aristocratiques, est un phenomene connu, l'evolution ulterieure de ces immenses fortunes l'est bien moins. Pour elucider le role de l'argent dans la recomposition des elites au xixe s. , nous avons suivi le destin singulier du marechal berthier que napoleon fit prince de wagram, et de sa lignee qui s'identifia pour plus d'un siecle au domaine de grosbois a boissy-st-leger. Leur accession aux premiers rangs de la haute societe reposa sur un capital economique original, articule autour d'un noyau dur, le majorat, et un capital symbolique, constitue par un nom recent associe a une grande propriete fonciere. L'histoire de cette fortune montre qu'elle s'accrut quasi-constamment malgre de serieuses menaces. Si le marechal put mener un somptueux train de vie grace aux dotations en territoires conquis, leur perte (et l'hostilite de la restauration) fut une rude epreuve que sa veuve surmonta avec tenacite afin de maintenir le rang de leur fils. Le 2e prince de wagram resta donc 50 ans a la tete de grosbois ou il acquit la reputation d'un agronome eminent, agrandit le domaine de son pere au moyen du portefeuille apporte par sa femme, nee clary, devint conseiller general, et maire de sa commune sous le second empire. Toutefois, il provoqua un debut de dislocation du domaine en refusant d'avantager son fils dans son testament. Le mariage de ce dernier avec une rothschild lui permit cependant de racheter grosbois, et preluda a un nouvel age d'or pour les wagram qui participerent en bonne part a une reinvention du style de vie aristocratique a la belle epoque. Toutefois, leur fils, 4e prince, herita trop jeune de la moitie de cet immense patrimoine. A cause de ses collections, de ses mauvaises affaires et du luxe de son existence, il commenca a lotir le domaine. Mais, sa mort au front en 1918, interrompit la lignee des princes de wagram qui s'acheva comme elle avait commence - dans la gloire militaire.