Le contact procolonial franco-vietnamien en Centre et Nord Vietnam (1856-1883)
Paris 7Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The franco-vietnamese relationships in the field between 1856 and 1883 are characterised by the ever increasing intrusion of french official in the dialectic between the missionaries and the vietnamese. Between 1856 and 1872, the french presence, self-legitimised by the last anti-christian persecutions ordered by the state, is confined to the south of vietnam and guarantees a genuine freedom to the rest of the country. There, in spite of the support from the spanish missionaries to the upheaval led by pseudo-pretender le-duy-phung (ta-van-phung), the relationships between the french missionaries and the vietnamese authorities are fecund, and freedom of religion, after 1886, is the rule. Certainly, a few persecutions, more and more local and losing of their strength, are reported but it doesn't prevent the vietnamese parish from slipping into the local structures to the extent that it sometimes obtains the status of district. After 1874 and the new treaties which followed the garnier expedition, french consuls settled in cities such as hue, hanoi, haiphong and qui-nhon. There, they lead a policy of "small steps" in which inter-personal relationships are keystones. The failure of the rare attempts of co-operation and the political and economical changes in metropolitan france determine an evolution which results, despite local oppositions from missionaries as well as from a few conculs, in a brutal confrontation. After a lot of slowness, many hesitations and wasted opportunities to solve the 1882 crisis through negotiation, france enlarges its protectorate to the whole of vietnam thanks to the 1883 convention and the 1884 patenotre treaty.
Abstract FR:
Les relations franco-vietnamiennes de terrain entre 1856 et 1883 se caracterisent par l'intrusion de plus en plus importante des officiels francais dans la dialectique missionaro-vietnamienne. Entre 1856 et 1872, la presence francaise, autolegitimee par les dernieres persecutions antichretiennes d'etat, se cantonne au sud du vietnam et laisse au reste du pays une reelle liberte. La, malgre le soutien missionnaire espagnol a la revolte du pseudo-pretendant le-duy-phung (ta-van-phung), les relations entre missionnaires francais et autorites vietnamiennes sont fecondent et la liberte de culte, apres 1866, de regle. Certes, quelques persecutions de plus en plus locales et declinantes perdurent mais n'empechent pas la paroisse vietnamienne de se couler de plus en plus dans les cadres locaux au point de parfois obtenir le statut de commune. Apres 1874 et les nouveaux traites consecutifs a l'expedition garnier, des consuls francais s'installent dans les villes de hue, hanoi, haiphong et qui-nhon. Ils y menent une politique de petits pas dans laquelle les relations interpersonnelles tiennent une grande importance. L'echec des rares tentatives de cooperations et les changements politiques et economiques en metropole determinent une evolution qui mene, malgre des oppositions locales tant de la part des missionnaires que de certains consuls, a la confrontation brutale. Apres des lenteurs, des hesitations et des occasions manquees de reglement negocie de la crise de 1882, la france etent son protectorat sur l'ensemble du vietnam avec la convention de 1883 et le traite patenotre de 1884.