
From small-scale data dissemination to large data transfers in vehicular environments

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 2013



Paris 6



Abstract EN:

Les ve ́hicules de nos jours sont des syste`mes distribue ́s complexes qui entraˆıne l’e ́volution des exigences en matie`re de capacite ́s de re ́seau. L’e ́mergence de plusieurs applications a souligne ́ la ne ́cessite ́ pour les communications automobilesdans le ve ́hicule lui-m eˆme et ses environs. Celui-ci fait re ́fe ́rence a` la soi-disant paradigmes de communication ve ́hicule a` ve ́hicule (V2V) et ve ́hicule a` l’infrastruc- ture (V2I), qui ont pousse ́ a` l’adoption de technologies de re ́seau sans fil. L’inte ́r eˆt pour ces technologies a e ́te ́ en constante augmentation dans la dernie`re de ́cennie et montre un grand potentiel. Avec une demande croissante pour des capacite ́s de communication, l’industrie automobile revisite le r oˆle des ve ́hicules dans la vie des utilisateurs. La plupart des recherches sur les syste`mes de communication automobile a e ́te ́ encourage ́ par les exigences impose ́es par les applications allant de la gestion de la circulation a la se ́curite ́ routie`re. Cela a conduit a` l’e ́laboration d’un certain nombre d’initiatives dans le monde entier qui e ́tudient des solutions avec des implications importantes sur le processus de l’inge ́nierie automobile. Ces initiatives sont axe ́es sur l’e ́tablissement des normes dans des domaines tels que “suˆrete ́ et la se ́curite ́” ou “pilote de pointe”.

Abstract FR:

As we have previously seen, vehicle-to-vehicle communication is an essential part of coop- erative driving as messages need to be disseminated over large interest areas with on-board communication devices. Vehicular networks are shared environments where each vehicle competes for a share of the bandwidth, thus when sending general purpose message that could potentially interest every driver in a certain area, broadcast-based communication is more adapted to the characteristics of this environment. Yet the role of the vehicle is expanding and is not limited to inter-vehicular communication. New functionalities are introduce that exploit the inherent properties of this environment. Although vehicles enjoy a high degree of freedom, their mobility can be predicted to a certain extent. Vehicles are generally restricted to the use of the road-infrastructure that links geographically distinct points of interests situated tens, hundreds or thousands of kilometers apart. They are fulfilling a purpose by carrying a ’load’ from a source to a destination. Therefore, the road-infrastructure is constituted of a network of intersecting roads on which transiting vehicles respond to the requirements of their owners. By taking advantage of these characteristics, new applications can be developed that exploit the technologies present in the modern car. We direct our attention towards the large volume of data that transit the internet everyday. A large part of this data tolerates a certain amount of delay before it is being ’consumed’. Disruptive solutions could ease the burden on the legacy internet infrastructure by considering vehicles as a future data delivery alternative.