Interaction design and evaluation of mobile guides for the Museum Visit : e case study in multimedia and mobile augmented reality
Paris, CNAMDisciplines:
Abstract EN:
Etude d’Interaction et Evaluation de Guides Portables Multimédia pour la visite culturelle: Des Multimédia à la Réalité Augmentée Mobile (Interaction Design and Evaluation of Mobile Guides for the Museum Visit : A case study in Multimedia and Mobile Augmented Reality). Cette thèse traite l’introduction et l’usage des guides portables multimédia (GPM) d’aide à la visite culturelle. Son hypothèse de travail principale consiste à examiner en quel degré l’usage de technologies de Réalité Augmentée (RA) mobile -en tant qu’élément principal pour la conception et l’implémentation des GPM- pourrait faciliter l’interaction et la navigation tant dans l’application interactive mobile que dans l’écologie sensible de l’enceinte du musée. Le mémoire comporte sept chapitres et est divisé en deux parties. La 1ère partie (chapitres 1-3) pose les fondements théoriques concernant l’hypothèse de recherche principale. La 2ème partie (chapitres 4-7) explore et évalue cette hypothèse de recherche à travers la conception itérative, l’implémentation et l’évaluation d’un GPM basée RA conçu pour un musée des Beaux Arts français (le Musée des Beaux Arts de Rennes). Le 1er chapitre introduit le sujet de recherche en le plaçant dans le contexte plus global de l’Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM) mobile. Nous examinons aussi la façon dont les pratiques d’interprétation et de vulgarisation de l’héritage culturel pour le grand public à l’aide des NTIC ont fait émergé les GPM comme un support nouveau de médiation culturelle. Le 2ème chapitre présente l’état de l’art dans le domaine des guides portables multimédia de visite culturelle, et introduit des critères de classification pour les guides existants. Sont présentés de manière plus extensive et en utilisant les critères de classification au préalable introduit, deux projets des guides portables multimédia pour la visite culturelle, dans l’élaboration desquels l’auteur a participé: MOBIVISIT et DANAE. L’accent est plus particulièrement mis sur les différentes stratégies employées pour la résolution des problèmes de géolocalisation et de navigation tant dans l’espace du musée
Abstract FR:
This thesis is about the introduction and use of mobile multimedia guides in the museum setting. Its main research hypothesis is that the use of mobile Augmented Reality (AR) technologies and the AR metaphor as a principal component for the conceptual and interaction design of mobile museum guide applications could greatly facilitate interaction and navigation both in the mobile multimedia application and in the sensitive museum ecology. The thesis is composed of seven chapters. It is divided in two parts. Part A, composed of chapters 1, 2 and 3 lays the theoretical foundations regarding the main research hypothesis. Part B, composed of chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7, explores and tests this research hypothesis, through the iterative design, implementation and evaluation of a mobile AR guide for a contemporary French museum of Fine Arts. Chapter 1 introduces the topic, the research problem, the motivations and the objectives of the work undertaken and briefly discusses the outcomes of the research. Chapter 2 presents the state of the art in mobile multimedia guides for the museum setting and introduces a set of classification criteria regarding mobile multimedia museum guides (media employed, geolocalization capabilities, data storage, platform type, platform ownership, personalization, collaborative applications, edutainment activities). Two mobile museum guide projects, in which the author participated, Mobivisit and DANAE, are presented in more detail. Particular emphasis is given on the different strategies employed for resolving geolocalization and navigation issues, both in the museum space and the interactive application. Chapter 2 also highlights human, economical and technological challenges and barriers to overcome that have been so far preventing the generalization of use of mobile multimedia guides in the museum context. These may range from curators’ fears that a guide could be used in a distractive manner to the lack of authoring tools and the practicalities involved in setting-up, financing and maintaining such an educational resource. Having provided a theoretical background regarding the modalities of use of mobile museum guides, Chapter 3 looks deeper into the complex issue of interaction with mobile devices in the museum environment. After analyzing the ways in which a visitor’s attention gets fuzzily allocated among the museum guide and the surrounding environment (the museum object and other co-visitors), the main research hypothesis is introduced: that the use of mobile Augmented Reality (AR) technologies and the AR metaphor, might have the potential to enrich and facilitate the interaction of a museum visitor with the museum environment and the interactive application, providing straightforward links between the physical (the museum environment) and the digital (the mobile museum guide application). The chapter then introduces AR exposing the most influential definitions and proposing a complementary one, looks into principal Having provided a theoretical background regarding the modalities of use of mobile museum guides,