
Optimizing the daily transport for people with disabilities

Defense date:

Sept. 4, 2019






Abstract EN:

In most of the developed countries, transport for people with disabilities (PWD) is subsidized with public funds. In France, the number of transported people increased by 18% from 2006 to 2008. In 2017, the cost of this transport was around 500 M€ representing 10% of the total medical transportation cost. Between 2006 and 2014, this cost has increased by 40%. For Medico-Social Institutions (MSI), transport costs often represent the second-largest expense after that of the staff. This thesis is part of the project "Numérique et Optimisation pour une Mobilité Adaptée" (NOMAd). This project aims to improve the daily transport service for people with disabilities between their homes and MSIs. To this end, we suggest the transport pooling between several MSIs on one side and a global optimization strategy for building the annual transport planning on the other side. Following the current practice, we can assume that the annual transport plan is composed of a pattern of identical weekly schedules. To solve the weekly problem, we first work on the planning of the half-day transport problem. This problem is called the fleet size and mix dial-a-ride problem. In this new variant of the dial-a-ride problem, en-route modifications of the vehicle's inner configuration are allowed. Vehicle reconfiguration is a lever to efficiently reduce transport costs, but the number of passengers and vehicle fleet setting make this problem intractable for exact solution methods. A large neighborhood search matheuristic combined with a set covering component and a reactive mechanism to automatically adjust its parameters is proposed. The simple juxtaposition of half-day transport schedules give cost-efficient transport planning but a very inconsistent service time for passengers. This situation is uncomfortable for PWD and even unacceptable for some people with mental disabilities. Time consistency together with traditional route planning defines a new variant of the multi-period dial-a-ride problem that we denote the time-consistent DARP. This problem is modeled as a route based mathematical program with two objectives: the transport cost and the service time consistency. The problem is solved with a matheuristic framework based on a master set partitioning problem and routes generated from a large neighborhood search procedure. The transport pooling between MSIs is both a research challenge and a managerial challenge. Currently, transport management is mainly carried out independently in each MSI. The pooling of transport increases the size of the problem and therefore its complexity. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of transport pooling on the costs and the riding time of the users. The solving approach is clustering first route second. A comparison is made between a scenario without transport pooling and other scenarios allowing transport pooling shows that up to 30% of transport costs can be saved.

Abstract FR:

En France, le coût du transport médico-social est estimé à 500 millions en 2018 avec une augmentation de 40% entre 2006 et 2014. Pour un établissement médico-social (ESMS), ce coût représente souvent la deuxième dépense en importance après celle du personnel. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse appartenant au projet «Numérique et Optimisation pour une Mobilité Adaptée» (NOMAd) vise à améliorer le transport quotidien des personnes handicapées entre leur domicile et les ESMS. Pour cela, nous proposons la mutualisation du transport entre plusieurs ESMS ainsi qu’une stratégie d'optimisation globale de la planification annuelle de transport. La construction de la planification annuelle des transports est un problème complexe encore non complètement résolu dans la littérature scientifique. Conformément à la pratique actuelle, nous supposons que le plan de transport annuel est composé d’horaires hebdomadaires identiques divisés en demi-journées. Le problème d’optimisation sur une demi-journée, appelé “fleet size and mix dial-a-ride problem” considère plusieurs types de passagers et un parc hétérogène de véhicules reconfigurables qui peuvent être modifiés en route. La matheuristique LNS-RSCP est développée pour ce problème. L’optimisation du problème hebdomadaire, nommé time-consistent DARP, comprend simultanément des exigences de régularité de service et des objectifs de coût de transport. La matheuristique MSPP est développée pour ce problème. Actuellement, la gestion du transport est principalement réalisée intra-établissements, sans mutualisation. La mutualisation du transport, en plus de l’augmentation de la complexité du problème, suppose d’avoir un intérêt économique et un mécanisme commun de gestion et communication efficace entre les parties. Au niveau stratégique cette étude vise à évaluer l’impact de la mutualisation sur les coûts et temps de trajet. Opérationnellement, ce problème correspond au problème de clustering pour la résolution des problèmes de grande taille.